"...Not one word has failed of all His good promise..." 1Kings 8:56
A promise is a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen. It represents an oath we can count on. God assures us that he is the only one that can guarantee that HIS promises for our lives will come to pass. Even with the best intentions we all have made promises in our life time that we could not keep to others or they couldn't keep to us. But, when God speaks, his words of promise will not return to void but will accomplish what he sends it forth to do in our lives.
We can read the word of God and discover that His promises are at work in our lives every single day. The scriptures are loaded with so many wonderful promises of God that we can identify if we take the time to observe them.
God promises to:
Love unconditionally,
Never leave us nor forsake us,
Give us plans for a prosperous future,
Give Strength & Power,
Deliver, keep & preserve us,
Heal us,
Guides and lead us to the path of righteousness,
Grant Understanding, Knowledge & Wisdom in this life,
Remain faithful even though we do not always remain faithful,
Give salvation to all who desires it,
Give us His Peace, Joy and Mercy,
Partake in His glorious riches in heaven,
Adopt into his royal family,
and give us his provision for our lives!
To God be ALL the Glory! Who can make those promise besides our risen Savior?
We all have experienced God's promises. Do not let Trials and temptations convince you to change your confession about God. They come as a tag team to uproot the word of God from our hearts and run havoc in our lives. Their sole purpose is to make us renounce God's promises and what he has already done in our lives to prove who he is in our lives. Don't fall for it!
God's words are NEVER empty. They are full of life, and you can depend on him to keep his word. Take the time to dwell and confess the good promises of God over your life, family, ministry, business, career and community today. God's word will never fail you, just remember to hold on to them regardless of what your season may bring.